
Everyone’s career situation is different. It is very personal. What you want, and get, out of your career affects your health, your family, your financial well-being and your life. Understanding where you are, where you want to go and then creating a plan to get there is an evolving conversation. Executive coach and author Peter Diamond believes that effective career coaching is grounded in respect, openness, compassion, empathy and a commitment to speaking the truth. It is not a linear process but a progressive conversation individually tailored to the needs of each client.

From Peter’s perspective, every situation has possibilities and people really do have the power of choice in their lives. Peter’s role in the coaching process is to listen, to look beyond the obvious and to help you uncover your truths. He pulls disparate thoughts together in a meaningful way and creatively articulates insights that will help move you forward.

As a certified coach, Peter takes a pledge of confidentiality and holds to the highest level of integrity in his practice.

Career Coaching

Everyone’s career situation is different. It is very personal to each individual. What you want, and get, out of your career affects your health, your family, your financial well-being and your life.

Executive Coaching

In today’s fast paced competitive environment, executives are constantly challenged to develop effective leadership skills while meeting the demands and rigors of a complex corporate environment.

Team Coaching

Corporate teams are constantly evolving and changing. Executive coach and author Peter Diamond can help teams establish a healthy working norm so they can perform at the highest level with the least amount of conflict.

Contact Peter to learn about his coaching services

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