Not exactly but am I defying age, absolutely. I’m writing this on my birthday. Not just any run of the mill birthday but one that is a half-century milestone. Thankfully, I feel great physically and mentally.
My recent annual physical came back with a clean bill of health. In fact, my cholesterol dropped 30 points to the lowest level in twenty years and I’ve lost ten pounds. My doctor even commented that I’m healthier now than a year ago and the rest of my blood tests proved that out. We talked about how I changed my diet and the corresponding impact on how I feel. No more headaches, fatigue or bloating. He remarked how impressive it is that I continue to be open to learning, evolving and growing as a person at a time in life when most people he sees do the opposite.
In many respects I’m very fortunate. I’m in good health. I have a comfortable home. I have close relationships with family and friends. I have an occupation that is fulfilling. I have the opportunity to travel and participate in activities that bring me joy. Most of this has to do with how I decide to live my life. Four and a half years ago my brother died expectedly from a heart attack at the age of 48. From that day forward I made a vow to myself that I will engage fully in life and be present in all that I do. I remind myself everyday how lucky I am and not to squander precious time.
I’m excited about what lies ahead and how much more I have to learn about myself and the world at large. I sincerely hope that others who reach similar age milestones 40, 50, 60 and beyond will join me on a quest to defy aging.