One of the workshops I conduct teaches basic coaching skills for business professionals. I think people would be pleasantly surprised to learn that there is an unintended consequence of using basic coaching skills – they can make you more charismatic. Or said another way, charismatic people employ simple coaching techniques. Here they are:
- You listen more than you speak. And when you do speak it is to ask engaging questions to learn more about the person and what they have to say.
- You pay attention not only to the spoken but also the unspoken such as tone of voice and body language.
- You give others your undivided attention. Yes, that means no multi-tasking. You make eye contact, you nod and you smile.
- You are the first to pay someone else a compliment or acknowledge his or her achievement.
Charismatic people have the ability to make you feel better after a conversation than you did before. We all know these people and we like to be in their presence. It is a skill that anyone can employ and it starts with these simple tips and a genuine interest in someone else.
Go forth and be charismatic. Have a great day.